1. zuelhuzz and fatin, tak boleh. 🙂

    fatin, dah kira sangat bagus dah PayPal akhirnya benarkan orang Malaysia keluarkan duit PayPal diorang terus ke dalam akaun bank tempatan diorang kat Malaysia ni tau.

    Tapi harap-harap, esok lusa tulat ke, kita boleh buat 3rd party transfer ke PayPal. 😉

  2. can i ask something…….boleh tak kalau kita pakai debit card yang diverifykan dgn maybank utk curchasing online???

  3. hi rezdwan, to shop online using the debit card (i assume you are using Maybank Visa Debit card), 1stly, you will need to register your card on maybank2u – they call it MSOS – Maybank Secure Online Shopping. (Google for “Maybank MSOS”).

    Remember, Maybank is the issuing bank for your card, whether it can used for online purchase or not, it has nothing to do with PayPal. 🙂

  4. Halo all..i m new user for paypal.

    May i know should i sign up the paypal account as stated above if i want to purchase product from UK’s Ebay? Can paypal like to our saving account?

    FYI, i am from KL Malaysia.


  5. hi wai, just sign up PayPal Account following this link. Get your credit / debit card ready for verification.

    If you are using Maybank Debit Card, sign up for MSOS (Google for Maybank + MSOS) before you can use it for PayPal verification.

    PayPal can link to your saving account, see the bank list above? You can do transfer of money from your PayPal balance to your account, but you cannot transfer your bank account to PayPal.

    Gilili, what surname you want to change?

  6. help me!!cmne nk buat account paypal??nk kne ade account bank mne??cmne step2 nk ade account paypal..pls guys..help me..:)

  7. I’m new as wai too.

    Refers to your explaination above, if we can’t transfer money in our bank acct to Paypal, then in what condition our PayPal acct will have money for us to transfer to our bank acct?

  8. How much is the total charge if I want to transfer the money from Paypal to Maybank when im staying in UK now?

  9. hi suki: to have money in Paypal, either someone send you the money (personal fund transfer) or you sell something online (like using our webShaper Stores to setup your own branded online store and sell merchandize online) and taking payment using PayPal Premier or Business Account.

    hi dyla: refer the FAQs below for the charges:

    hi fr: you have a debit card? can be used too. Public Bank Visa Electron, Maybank Debit Card (must enable MSOS, google for it), Tune Visa Prepaid card? These are more popular choices.

    hi fk hew: Easy, once you verify it with PayPal, check back on your credit card statement (online) 2 or 3 days later. the code will appear on the statement. see below eg:

    hi dimitri: sharp eye! they should have put the sign next to Malaysia. Maybe it’s not updated yet. But heck, i’m sure you can do the transfer. again, refer to the link above on my reply to Dyla.

  10. hi there,
    i’m new here just to ask if my company would like to open a paypal account and link to our bank account how should we go about it? thanks

  11. if i wan to sigh up and paypal account, without credit card.. is it any idea for it.. please reply to email.

  12. After logging on to my PayPal account, I found that my account access is limited. several time , you see.. I had upload the document such as utility bill which paypal requested. What should I do, Plz help me…

  13. I have same problem with Hazura, ‘Limitation Appeal’ and request for:
    * Provide copy of credit card statement
    * Confirm Social Security number?
    * Provide copy of photo ID

    What should I do?

  14. 1.
    saya pernah buat paypal guna credit card parent’s. sekarang saya mau guna akaun sendiri tanpa guna kad kredit/debit. Jadi kalau guna method di atas, bagi saya memang terlalu mudah untuk configure akaun bank. Cuma saya rasa ada leceh sikit macam Maybank, kita kena tulis Malayan Banking Malaysia Berhad, itu yang buat rasa leceh sikit. Kalau dropmenu just tulis Maybank, RHB, dan sebagainya tanpa tulisan Malaysia Berhad macam kat airasia kan senang.
    Kena ada bank statement ke kalau kita guna akaun bank ke dalam paypal? Maksudnya setiap kali kita beli barang, ada tak bank tanya kita macam-macam?
    Kalau guna akaun bank ke dalam akaun bank, kena ada username dgn password internet banking bank x? Bagi saya, leceh nak ingat password dgn username internet banking.

  15. so does it means that once we link our Malaysian Bank account to Paypal account.. we can only receive money to our Paypal account and transfer them into our bank account? How about making payments? Since i dont have Credit Cards nor Debit cards, but i really wish to use paypal, can i use paypal to make payments? And how long should i wait until paypal varify my bank account after registration? Thanks

  16. hi shamatin, just follow the link above. have you done so?

    hi burn, i afraid if you want to use PayPal to pay for services now, you will need to either have a credit / debit cards. Unless you have a US Account where you can link to your PayPal Account (to fund the purchase).

  17. hola..hv u any news as to how to put money into our paypal account?i would like to use paypal to purchase things on ebay but i dont have fund in my acc for me to be able to do so..i dont use credit nor debit card..is there any malaysian bank that allow us to purchase online and automatically deduct it from our acc?

  18. Hi there is only 13 states in maaysia what does the two letter word mean.Please put the states namey in full so that we understand beter what the words mean.

  19. hi sue, i afraid so far there’s no local malaysia bank where you transfer money to your PayPal Account for shopping purpose yet (but you can withdraw money from PayPal to your Malaysia Bank Account). Another way is to buy credits from existing PayPal users (like what thila has to offer). Just take extra caution in transacting this online though.

    sukumara: what do you mean by thirteen states? did we talk about it here? do enlighten us.

  20. hi,
    sorry.i am new in this paypal things.
    i wanted to buy online stuff but it is in US currency (us website)
    what step should if follow in order to pay the price
    and i have credit card.

    confuse la. sorry

  21. In reference to this post,

    “PayPal can link to your saving account, see the bank list above? You can do transfer of money from your PayPal balance to your account, but you cannot transfer your bank account to PayPal.”

    So does this means we can purchase anything on internet as long as the merchant has a Paypal logo?

    I’m confused when you mentioned you can’t transfer bank account to Paypal..I interpret it as “we can’t transfer money into Paypal”. If so how to make payments???

    So does this means we can purchase anything on internet as long as the merchant has a Paypal logo via debit card.

  22. Information for local account bank(Malaysia):
    >> No local malaysia bank where you transfer money to your PayPal Account for shopping purpose yet (but you can withdraw money from PayPal to your Malaysia Bank Account).

    Add Fund to your PayPal:
    >> You will need to either have a credit / debit cards. Unless you have a US Account where you can link to your PayPal Account (to fund the purchase).
    >> Another way is to buy credits from existing PayPal users

    hope this could help u nick
    *im not the admin

  23. hi ben@ thanks a lot for helping out on nick’s questions. 🙂 i shall buy you a drink.

    miza@ Yes, for eg like us, our company’s PayPal account is linked to a Maybank’s Current Account. 🙂 Planning to start selling online? Just grab one webShaper stores (from RM1 per day) + PayPal Business Account to start!

  24. kalau nak confirm kad debit mcamna yer..?pastu kad bank islam tu..debit kad ke..?boleh link tak ngn paypal?

  25. haii..

    ayu dh ada acct. paypall.tapi selalu adalah tuk ayu beli barang keluar..guna cad cradit..tapi klu ada org nk beli barang dari ayu mcmana ye..adakah bayaran tu akan masuk ke kadkredit yg ayu daftarkan..klu ayu nak bayaran dari org tu masuk dlam acct.biasa..bagaimana caranya..

  26. hi ayu, if you want to use paypal to take payment, the money will first goes into your account balance of course (when people pay you via PayPal). Whether the money later goes to credit card or not is entirely up to you. You can withdraw the money to your credit card (to offset your credit card owed balance), debit card or bank account as explained in this blog post.

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